Collection: Donate

American Model United Nations provides students with a global perspective. We simulate selected United Nations committees by asking students to represent their assigned countries’ views to their fullest understanding. Through careful preparation by way of our topic briefings, and guidance from our Model United Nations Secretariat, students are given all of the tools they need to create an atmosphere ready for fruitful debate of humanitarian and global security topics. When you make a monetary contribution to American Model United Nations, you allow students from across the United States and abroad to participate in a unique and transformative college experience that they cannot get anywhere else.

What Makes AMUN different?

American Model United Nations puts a focus on learning and development of students’ debate skills as well as an understanding of issues that are often debated on the world stage. Our approach to simulation focuses not only on accuracy, but on students’ understanding of the structure of the United Nations, and the way states interact on the world stage.

AMUN is a registered non-profit organization

American Model United Nations, Inc. is a non-profit corporation, registered as a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. AMUN is also an official Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in affiliation with the United Nations Department of Public Information.

Contributions to AMUN are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law for donations to a 501(c)3 organization.